Fall 23-24

  • CS 35L Software Construction Laboratory
  • CS M51A Logic Design of Digital Systems
  • MATH 61 Introduction to Discrete Structures
  • PHYSICS 4BL Physics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers: Electricity and Magnetism
  • PSYCTRY 79 Applied Positive Neuroscience: Skills for Improving Productivity and Wellbeing
  • CS 1 Freshman Computer Science Seminar

  • Research Assistant @ UCLA Particle Beam Physics Laboratory

Summer 22-23

  • Research Assistant @ UCLA Particle Beam Physics Laboratory

Spring 22-23

  • MATH 33A Linear Algebra and Applications
  • MATH 33B Differential Equations
  • PHYSICS 1C Physics for Engineers: Electrodynamics, Optics, and Special Relativity
  • COM SCI 33 Introduction to Computer Organization

Winter 22-23

  • PHYSICS 1B Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Oscillations, Waves, Electric and Magnetic Fields
  • CS 32 Introduction to Computer Science II
  • MATH 32B Calculus of Several Variables

Fall 22-23

  • Math 32A Calculus of Several Variables
  • CS 31 Introduction to Computer Science I
  • ENGCOMP 3 Composition Rhetoric and Language
  • E96i Introduction to Engineering Design, Internet of Things
  • EE 1 Electrical and Computer Engineering 1